Http module

The Http module is probably the one I personally find interesting. There is two reasons for this:

  1. We create a Http GET request from scratch and wait for the response
  2. The method epoll_registrator.register() is the result of a huge amount of research and work to get working. Look forward to the next book where we dive into that.

Let's look at the code first and then step through it:

struct Http;
impl Http {
    pub fn http_get_slow(url: &str, delay_ms: u32, cb: impl Fn(Js) + 'static + Clone) {
        let rt: &mut Runtime = unsafe { &mut *RUNTIME };
        // Don't worry, is a site for simulating a delayed
        // response from a server. Perfect for our use case.
        let adr = "";
        let mut stream = minimio::TcpStream::connect(adr).unwrap();

        let request = format!(
            "GET /delay/{}/url/http://{} HTTP/1.1\r\n\
             Connection: close\r\n\
            delay_ms, url

            .expect("Error writing to stream");

        let token = rt.generate_cb_identity();
            .register(&mut stream, token, minimio::Interests::READABLE)

        let wrapped = move |_n| {
            let mut stream = stream;
            let mut buffer = String::new();
                .read_to_string(&mut buffer)
                .expect("Stream read error");

        rt.register_event_epoll(token, wrapped);

First we call the method http_get_slow since we're simulating a slow response, again this is for us to see and control how the events will occur since we're trying to learn.

In the function body, the first thing we do is dereference our runtime. We need to use a bit of its functionality here so we do this right away.

The next step is to create a minimio::TcpStream.

let adr = "";
let mut stream = minimio::TcpStream::connect(adr).unwrap();

Now why not the regular TcpStream from the standard library?

Well, you do remember that kqueue and epoll are readiness based and IOCP is completion based right?

Well, to have single ergonomic API for all platforms we need to abstract over something and we (like mio) choose to abstract over TcpStream.

While kqueue and epoll can just read when a Read event is ready, we need the TcpStream to create a buffer that it hands over to the OS on Windows. So when we call TcpStream read, we read from this buffer on Windows.

We connect to which is just a site Robert Murray has created to simulate slow responses. He's kind enough to let us all use it. We can choose the delay we want on each request.

Next we construct a http GET request. The line breaks, and spacing is important here as is the two blank lines at the bottom.

let request = format!(
            "GET /delay/{}/url/http://{} HTTP/1.1\r\n\
             Connection: close\r\n\
            delay_ms, url

You might wonder why we use \r\n\ as line breaks here instead of the standard \n?

This is because a http GET request expects CRLF and not just LF, using only \n will not result in a valid GET request.

We construct the request by passing in the delay we want and the address we want to be redirected to.

Next we write this request to our TcpStream. In a real implementation this would have been done by issuing the write in an async manner and then register an event when the write has happened.

    .expect("Error writing to stream");

We write it blocking here since by implementing both read and write we'll have to create much more code, and the understanding of how this works will not really benefit that much (the understanding of how a web server works would though but thats beyond our scope today)

Now we get to the exciting part.

First we need to generate a token. This token will follow our event and be passed on to the OS. When the OS returns it also returns this token so we know what event occurred.

let token = rt.generate_cb_identity();

For convenience we use the same token as our callback_id since it will be unique, and events <-> callbacks will map 1:1 the way we have designed this.

Our next call actually issues a syscall to the underlying OS and registers our interest in an event of type Readable.

            .register(&mut stream, token, minimio::Interests::readable())

The reason we need &mut stream here is Windows and IOCP. Our stream holds a buffer that we'll pass on to Windows. This buffer must not be touched while the OS lends it exclusively. This way we leverage Rusts borrowchecker to help us make sure of that.

However, this has a drawback. We don't really need it to be &mut on linux and macos so on these systems we might get a compiler warning letting us know it doesn't need to be &mut. There are ways around this though, but in the interest of actually finishing both books I had to stop somewhere and this is not the worlds end.

The main point here is that we register an interest to read in a non-blocking manner.

I'll repeat this part of the code so you have it right in front of you while i explain:

    let wrapped = move |_n| {
            let mut stream = stream;
            let mut buffer = String::new();
                .read_to_string(&mut buffer)
                .expect("Stream read error");

Since our callback expects a Js::String we can't actually pass the buffer. We need to wrap our callback so we first read out the data to a String which we then can pass to our code.

Lastly we register the I/O event with our runtime

fn main() {
rt.register_event_epoll(token, wrapped);

Bonus section

Now in a better implementation, we would not issue a blocking call like read_to_string because it might be that at some point this will block if not all the data we need is present at once.

The right thing to do then would be to read parts of the data into a buffer while calling in a loop, and at some point this might return an Err::WouldBlock at which we re-wrap our callback and re-register our read event to read the rest.

Another reason this might block is that threads might get what is called a "spurious" wakeup.

What is that? Well, the OS might wake up the thread, without there being any data there. The reason for this is kind of hard to get confirmed, but as far as I understand, this can happen if the OS is in doubt if an event occurred or not. It does apparently happen that some interrupts might get issued without the OS getting notified. This can be caused by unfortunate timing since there are some bits of code that needs to be executed "uninterrupted" and there is a way for the OS to instruct the CPU to filter some interrupts for short periods. The OS can't be "optimistic" in the sense that it assumes the event didn't happen since that would cause the process to wait indefinitely if the event did occur. So instead it might just wake up the thread.

Also, there are performance optimizations in operating systems that might cause them to choose to wake up waiting threads in a process for unknown reasons. Therefore, accounting for spurious wakeups is part of the "contract" between the programmer and the OS.

Either way, the OS assumes we have logic in place to account for this and just re-register our event if it was a spurious wakeup.

In our implementation, whether the data is not fully available or if it was a spurious wakeup, we'll end up blocking. It's fine, we're just trying to understand. We're not re-implementing libuv anyway.

The last part is registering this event with our epoll_thread.

Now, we're practically at the finish line. All the interesting parts are covered, we just need a few more small things to get it all up and running.