
We're soon at the end now. Actually, our core runtime is finished, but we need a way to actually make it work with our "javascripty" code.

The modules here would be the equivalent of "C++" modules in Node, and in theory we could allow for people to make modules that register work to be either done in our threadpool or our epoll event queue.

The first one we'll cover is also the simplest, but it will also introduce us to why we stored a pointer to our Runtime as a global constant.

pub fn set_timeout(ms: u64, cb: impl Fn(Js) + 'static) {
    let rt = unsafe { &mut *(RUNTIME as *mut Runtime) };
    rt.set_timeout(ms, cb);

To be able in our "javascript" to just call set_timeout(...) without injecting our runtime into our javascript function (which we could do if we wanted to write better Rust) we need to dereference a mutable pointer to our runtime.

Now, we know this is safe for two reasons.

  1. RUNTIME is always access from one thread
  2. We know that all calls to our modules will be in at which point we know that RUNTIME will be a valid pointer

Now it's not pretty, and that's also why I explain why we do it, and why it's safe here. Normally, all unsafe code should contain a reason why it's used, and why it's safe in a comment.

Once we have referenced the pointer to RUNTIME we can call methods on it and in this case we simply call rt.set_timeout(ms, cb) which sets a timeout as you saw in the last chapter.