Final code

Remember, for this to run you need to create a cargo binary project, and add the following dependency to your Cargo.toml:

minimio = {git = "", branch = "master"}

In the root of you project, add a file called test.txt, and add the text:

Hello world! This is a text to encrypt!

What you write in the file is not important. But how many characters is since we calculate the fibonacchi number based on how many characters there are in the file.

Add to much text and you'll wait for a long time. Of course, you can just change the logic yourself now to do something else.

In you can paste in this code:

/// Think of this function as the javascript program you have written
fn javascript() {
    print("First call to read test.txt");
    Fs::read("test.txt", |result| {
        let text = result.into_string().unwrap();
        let len = text.len();
        print(format!("First count: {} characters.", len));

        print(r#"I want to create a "magic" number based on the text."#);
        Crypto::encrypt(text.len(), |result| {
            let n = result.into_int().unwrap();
            print(format!(r#""Encrypted" number is: {}"#, n));

    print("Registering immediate timeout 1");
    set_timeout(0, |_res| {
        print("Immediate1 timed out");
    print("Registering immediate timeout 2");
    set_timeout(0, |_res| {
        print("Immediate2 timed out");

    // let's read the file again and display the text
    print("Second call to read test.txt");
    Fs::read("test.txt", |result| {
        let text = result.into_string().unwrap();
        let len = text.len();
        print(format!("Second count: {} characters.", len));

        // aaand one more time but not in parallel.
        print("Third call to read test.txt");
        Fs::read("test.txt", |result| {
            let text = result.into_string().unwrap();
            print_content(&text, "file read");

    print("Registering a 3000 and a 500 ms timeout");
    set_timeout(3000, |_res| {
        print("3000ms timer timed out");
        set_timeout(500, |_res| {
            print("500ms timer(nested) timed out");

    print("Registering a 1000 ms timeout");
    set_timeout(1000, |_res| {

    // `http_get_slow` let's us define a latency we want to simulate
    print("Registering http get request to");
    Http::http_get_slow("http//", 2000, |result| {
        let result = result.into_string().unwrap();
        print_content(result.trim(), "web call");

fn main() {
    let rt = Runtime::new();;

// ===== THIS IS OUR "NODE LIBRARY" =====
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap};
use std::fmt;
use std::fs;
use std::io::{self, Read, Write};
use std::sync::mpsc::{channel, Receiver, Sender};
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::thread::{self, JoinHandle};
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};

use minimio;

static mut RUNTIME: *mut Runtime = std::ptr::null_mut();

struct Task {
    task: Box<dyn Fn() -> Js + Send + 'static>,
    callback_id: usize,
    kind: ThreadPoolTaskKind,

impl Task {
    fn close() -> Self {
        Task {
            task: Box::new(|| Js::Undefined),
            callback_id: 0,
            kind: ThreadPoolTaskKind::Close,

pub enum ThreadPoolTaskKind {

impl fmt::Display for ThreadPoolTaskKind {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        use ThreadPoolTaskKind::*;
        match self {
            FileRead => write!(f, "File read"),
            Encrypt => write!(f, "Encrypt"),
            Close => write!(f, "Close"),

pub enum Js {

impl Js {
    /// Convenience method since we know the types
    fn into_string(self) -> Option<String> {
        match self {
            Js::String(s) => Some(s),
            _ => None,

    /// Convenience method since we know the types
    fn into_int(self) -> Option<usize> {
        match self {
            Js::Int(n) => Some(n),
            _ => None,

/// NodeTheread represents a thread in our threadpool. Each event has a Joinhandle
/// and a transmitter part of a channel which is used to inform our main loop
/// about what events has occurred.
struct NodeThread {
    pub(crate) handle: JoinHandle<()>,
    sender: Sender<Task>,

pub struct Runtime {
    /// Available threads for the threadpool
    available_threads: Vec<usize>,
    /// Callbacks scheduled to run
    callbacks_to_run: Vec<(usize, Js)>,
    /// All registered callbacks
    callback_queue: HashMap<usize, Box<dyn FnOnce(Js)>>,
    /// Number of pending epoll events, only used by us to print for this example
    epoll_pending_events: usize,
    /// Our event registrator which registers interest in events with the OS
    epoll_registrator: minimio::Registrator,
    // The handle to our epoll thread
    epoll_thread: thread::JoinHandle<()>,
    /// None = infinite, Some(n) = timeout in n ms, Some(0) = immediate
    epoll_timeout: Arc<Mutex<Option<i32>>>,
    /// Channel used by both our threadpool and our epoll thread to send events
    /// to the main loop
    event_reciever: Receiver<PollEvent>,
    /// Creates an unique identity for our callbacks
    identity_token: usize,
    /// The number of events pending. When this is zero, we're done
    pending_events: usize,
    /// Handles to our threads in the threadpool
    thread_pool: Vec<NodeThread>,
    /// Holds all our timers, and an Id for the callback to run once they expire
    timers: BTreeMap<Instant, usize>,
    /// A struct to temporarely hold timers to remove. We let Runtinme have
    /// ownership so we can reuse the same memory
    timers_to_remove: Vec<Instant>,

/// Describes the three main events our epoll-eventloop handles
enum PollEvent {
    /// An event from the `threadpool` with a tuple containing the `thread id`,
    /// the `callback_id` and the data which the we expect to process in our
    /// callback
    Threadpool((usize, usize, Js)),
    /// An event from the epoll-based eventloop holding the `event_id` for the
    /// event

impl Runtime {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        // ===== THE REGULAR THREADPOOL =====
        let (event_sender, event_reciever) = channel::<PollEvent>();
        let mut threads = Vec::with_capacity(4);

        for i in 0..4 {
            let (evt_sender, evt_reciever) = channel::<Task>();
            let event_sender = event_sender.clone();

            let handle = thread::Builder::new()
                .name(format!("pool{}", i))
                .spawn(move || {

                    while let Ok(task) = evt_reciever.recv() {
                        print(format!("received a task of type: {}", task.kind));

                        if let ThreadPoolTaskKind::Close = task.kind {

                        let res = (task.task)();
                        print(format!("finished running a task of type: {}.", task.kind));

                        let event = PollEvent::Threadpool((i, task.callback_id, res));
                .expect("Couldn't initialize thread pool.");

            let node_thread = NodeThread {
                sender: evt_sender,


        // ===== EPOLL THREAD =====
        let mut poll = minimio::Poll::new().expect("Error creating epoll queue");
        let registrator = poll.registrator();
        let epoll_timeout = Arc::new(Mutex::new(None));
        let epoll_timeout_clone = epoll_timeout.clone();

        let epoll_thread = thread::Builder::new()
            .spawn(move || {
                let mut events = minimio::Events::with_capacity(1024);

                loop {
                    let epoll_timeout_handle = epoll_timeout_clone.lock().unwrap();
                    let timeout = *epoll_timeout_handle;

                    match poll.poll(&mut events, timeout) {
                        Ok(v) if v > 0 => {
                            for i in 0..v {
                                let event = events.get_mut(i).expect("No events in event list.");
                                print(format!("epoll event {} is ready",;

                                let event = PollEvent::Epoll(;
                                event_sender.send(event).expect("epoll event");
                        Ok(v) if v == 0 => {
                            print("epoll event timeout is ready");
                            event_sender.send(PollEvent::Timeout).expect("epoll timeout");
                        Err(ref e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::Interrupted => {
                            print("received event of type: Close");
                        Err(e) => panic!("{:?}", e),
                        _ => unreachable!(),
            .expect("Error creating epoll thread");

        Runtime {
            available_threads: (0..4).collect(),
            callbacks_to_run: vec![],
            callback_queue: HashMap::new(),
            epoll_pending_events: 0,
            epoll_registrator: registrator,
            identity_token: 0,
            pending_events: 0,
            thread_pool: threads,
            timers: BTreeMap::new(),
            timers_to_remove: vec![],

    /// This is the event loop. There are several things we could do here to
    /// make it a better implementation. One is to set a max backlog of callbacks
    /// to execute in a single tick, so we don't starve the threadpool or file
    /// handlers. Another is to dynamically decide if/and how long the thread
    /// could be allowed to be parked for example by looking at the backlog of
    /// events, and if there is any backlog disable it. Some of our Vec's will
    /// only grow, and not resize, so if we have a period of very high load, the
    /// memory will stay higher than we need until a restart. This could be
    /// dealt by using a different kind of data structure like a `LinkedList`.
    pub fn run(mut self, f: impl Fn()) {
        let rt_ptr: *mut Runtime = &mut self;
        unsafe { RUNTIME = rt_ptr };

        // just for us priting out during execution
        let mut ticks = 0;

        // First we run our "main" function

        // ===== EVENT LOOP =====
        while self.pending_events > 0 {
            ticks += 1;
            print(format!("===== TICK {} =====", ticks));

            // ===== 1. TIMERS =====

            // ===== 2. CALLBACKS =====
            // Timer callbacks and if for some reason we have postponed callbacks
            // to run on the next tick. Not possible in our implementation though.

            // ===== 3. IDLE/PREPARE =====
            // we won't use this

            // ===== 4. POLL =====
            // First we need to check if we have any outstanding events at all
            // and if not we're finished. If not we will wait forever.
            if self.pending_events == 0 {

            // We want to get the time to the next timeout (if any) and we
            // set the timeout of our epoll wait to the same as the timeout
            // for the next timer. If there is none, we set it to infinite (None)
            let next_timeout = self.get_next_timer();

            let mut epoll_timeout_lock = self.epoll_timeout.lock().unwrap();
            *epoll_timeout_lock = next_timeout;
            // We release the lock before we wait in `recv`

            // We handle one and one event but multiple events could be returned
            // on the same poll. We won't cover that here though but there are
            // several ways of handling this.
            if let Ok(event) = self.event_reciever.recv() {
                match event {
                    PollEvent::Timeout => (),
                    PollEvent::Threadpool((thread_id, callback_id, data)) => {
                        self.process_threadpool_events(thread_id, callback_id, data);
                    PollEvent::Epoll(event_id) => {

            // ===== 5. CHECK =====
            // an set immediate function could be added pretty easily but we
            // won't do that here

            // ===== 6. CLOSE CALLBACKS ======
            // Release resources, we won't do that here, but this is typically
            // where sockets etc are closed.

        // We clean up our resources, makes sure all destructors run.
        for thread in self.thread_pool.into_iter() {
            thread.sender.send(Task::close()).expect("threadpool cleanup");



    fn process_expired_timers(&mut self) {
        // Need an intermediate variable to please the borrowchecker
        let timers_to_remove = &mut self.timers_to_remove;

            .for_each(|(k, _)| timers_to_remove.push(*k));

        while let Some(key) = self.timers_to_remove.pop() {
            let callback_id = self.timers.remove(&key).unwrap();
            self.callbacks_to_run.push((callback_id, Js::Undefined));

    fn get_next_timer(&self) -> Option<i32> {
        self.timers.iter().nth(0).map(|(&instant, _)| {
            let mut time_to_next_timeout = instant - Instant::now();

            if time_to_next_timeout < Duration::new(0, 0) {
                time_to_next_timeout = Duration::new(0, 0);

            time_to_next_timeout.as_millis() as i32

    fn run_callbacks(&mut self) {
        while let Some((callback_id, data)) = self.callbacks_to_run.pop() {
            let cb = self.callback_queue.remove(&callback_id).unwrap();
            self.pending_events -= 1;

    fn process_epoll_events(&mut self, event_id: usize) {
        self.callbacks_to_run.push((event_id, Js::Undefined));
        self.epoll_pending_events -= 1;

    fn process_threadpool_events(&mut self, thread_id: usize, callback_id: usize, data: Js) {
        self.callbacks_to_run.push((callback_id, data));

    fn get_available_thread(&mut self) -> usize {
        match self.available_threads.pop() {
            Some(thread_id) => thread_id,
            // We would normally return None and the request and not panic!
            None => panic!("Out of threads."),

    /// If we hit max we just wrap around
    fn generate_identity(&mut self) -> usize {
        self.identity_token = self.identity_token.wrapping_add(1);

    fn generate_cb_identity(&mut self) -> usize {
        let ident = self.generate_identity();
        let taken = self.callback_queue.contains_key(&ident);

        // if there is a collision or the identity is already there we loop until we find a new one
        // we don't cover the case where there are `usize::MAX` number of callbacks waiting since
        // that if we're fast and queue a new event every nanosecond that will still take 585.5 years
        // to do on a 64 bit system.
        if !taken {
        } else {
            loop {
                let possible_ident = self.generate_identity();
                if self.callback_queue.contains_key(&possible_ident) {
                    break possible_ident;

    /// Adds a callback to the queue and returns the key
    fn add_callback(&mut self, ident: usize, cb: impl FnOnce(Js) + 'static) {
        let boxed_cb = Box::new(cb);
        self.callback_queue.insert(ident, boxed_cb);

    pub fn register_event_epoll(&mut self, token: usize, cb: impl FnOnce(Js) + 'static) {
        self.add_callback(token, cb);

        print(format!("Event with id: {} registered.", token));
        self.pending_events += 1;
        self.epoll_pending_events += 1;

    pub fn register_event_threadpool(
        &mut self,
        task: impl Fn() -> Js + Send + 'static,
        kind: ThreadPoolTaskKind,
        cb: impl FnOnce(Js) + 'static,
    ) {
        let callback_id = self.generate_cb_identity();
        self.add_callback(callback_id, cb);

        let event = Task {
            task: Box::new(task),

        // we are not going to implement a real scheduler here, just a LIFO queue
        let available = self.get_available_thread();
        self.thread_pool[available].sender.send(event).expect("register work");
        self.pending_events += 1;

    fn set_timeout(&mut self, ms: u64, cb: impl Fn(Js) + 'static) {
        // Is it theoretically possible to get two equal instants? If so we'll have a bug...
        let now = Instant::now();

        let cb_id = self.generate_cb_identity();
        self.add_callback(cb_id, cb);

        let timeout = now + Duration::from_millis(ms);
        self.timers.insert(timeout, cb_id);

        self.pending_events += 1;
        print(format!("Registered timer event id: {}", cb_id));

pub fn set_timeout(ms: u64, cb: impl Fn(Js) + 'static) {
    let rt = unsafe { &mut *(RUNTIME as *mut Runtime) };
    rt.set_timeout(ms, cb);

// The pointer dereferencing of our runtime is not striclty needed but is mostly for trying to
// emulate a bit of the same feeling as when you use modules in javascript. We could pass the runtime in
// as a reference to our startup function.

struct Crypto;
impl Crypto {
    fn encrypt(n: usize, cb: impl Fn(Js) + 'static + Clone) {
        let work = move || {
            fn fibonacchi(n: usize) -> usize {
                match n {
                    0 => 0,
                    1 => 1,
                    _ => fibonacchi(n - 1) + fibonacchi(n - 2),

            let fib = fibonacchi(n);

        let rt = unsafe { &mut *RUNTIME };
        rt.register_event_threadpool(work, ThreadPoolTaskKind::Encrypt, cb);

struct Fs;
impl Fs {
    fn read(path: &'static str, cb: impl Fn(Js) + 'static) {
        let work = move || {
            // Let's simulate that there is a very large file we're reading allowing us to actually
            // observe how the code is executed
            let mut buffer = String::new();
                .read_to_string(&mut buffer)
        let rt = unsafe { &mut *RUNTIME };
        rt.register_event_threadpool(work, ThreadPoolTaskKind::FileRead, cb);

struct Http;
impl Http {
    pub fn http_get_slow(url: &str, delay_ms: u32, cb: impl Fn(Js) + 'static + Clone) {
        let rt: &mut Runtime = unsafe { &mut *RUNTIME };

        // Don't worry, is a site for simulating a delayed
        // response from a server. Perfect for our use case.
        let adr = "";
        let mut stream = minimio::TcpStream::connect(adr).unwrap();
        let request = format!(
            "GET /delay/{}/url/http://{} HTTP/1.1\r\n\
             Connection: close\r\n\
            delay_ms, url

            .expect("Error writing to stream");

        let token = rt.generate_cb_identity();

            .register(&mut stream, token, minimio::Interests::READABLE)

        let wrapped = move |_n| {
            let mut stream = stream;
            let mut buffer = String::new();

                .read_to_string(&mut buffer)
                .expect("Stream read error");


        rt.register_event_epoll(token, wrapped);

fn print(t: impl std::fmt::Display) {
    println!("Thread: {}\t {}", current(), t);

fn print_content(t: impl std::fmt::Display, descr: &str) {
        "\n===== THREAD {} START CONTENT - {} =====",

    let content = format!("{}", t);
    let lines = content.lines().take(2);
    let main_cont: String =|l| format!("{}\n", l)).collect();
    let opt_location = content.find("Location");

    let opt_location =|loc| {
        .map(|l| format!("{}\n",l))

        "{}{}... [Note: Abbreviated for display] ...",

    println!("===== END CONTENT =====\n");

fn current() -> String {