Crypto module

As you'll soon understand, we won't actually cover cryptography here, but we'll simulate a CPU intensive operation that would block if not run on the threadpool.

Without further ado: The Glorious Crypto Module

struct Crypto;
impl Crypto {
    fn encrypt(n: usize, cb: impl Fn(Js) + 'static + Clone) {
        let work = move || {
            fn fibonacchi(n: usize) -> usize {
                match n {
                    0 => 0,
                    1 => 1,
                    _ => fibonacchi(n - 1) + fibonacchi(n - 2),

            let fib = fibonacchi(n);

        let rt = unsafe { &mut *RUNTIME };
        rt.register_event_threadpool(work, ThreadPoolTaskKind::Encrypt, cb);

Well, um, this is disappointing if you're into crypto. I'm sorry. The logic here is not very interesting, we take a number n as argument and calculate the n'th fibonacchi number recursively. A famous and inefficient way of putting your CPU to work.

The overall function will be familiar and look very similar to what we do in our Fs module since this module also sends work to the threadpool.

We create a closure (remember that none of the code in the closure will be run here, but it will get called in one of our worker threads).

Once that is finished we return the result as Js::Int(fib).

Lastly we dereference our RUNTIME and we call rt.register_work(work, ThreadPoolTaskKind::Encrypt, cb) to register our task with the threadpool.

Let's move on, we're very soon at the finish line.