File module

The Fs module contains File operations. Right now we only expose a read method since that's all we need. As you can imagine we can add all sorts of methods here.

struct Fs;
impl Fs {
    fn read(path: &'static str, cb: impl Fn(Js) + 'static) {
        let work = move || {
            // Let's simulate that there is a very large file we're reading allowing us to actually
            // observe how the code is executed
            let mut buffer = String::new();
                .read_to_string(&mut buffer)
        let rt = unsafe { &mut *RUNTIME };
        rt.register_event_threadpool(work, ThreadPoolTaskKind::FileRead, cb);

We simply create an empty struct Fs;. This is one of Rusts Zero Sized Types (ZST) and does not occupy any space, but it's still useful for us.

The read method takes a file path and a callback as arguments. The callback will get called once the operation is finished and accepts a Js object as an input.

let work = move || {... is a closure. This closure is the actual Task that we want to run on our threadpool. None of the code in work will actually run here, we only define what we want to do when work() gets called.

In our closure we first wait for a second. These operations are so fast (and our file is so small) that if we want to observe what's going on in any meaningful way we need to slow things down. Let's pretend its a huge file that takes a second to read.

We read the file into a buffer and then return Js::String(buffer).

You might remember from the Infrastructure chapter that our register_work method received a task argument task: impl Fn() -> Js + Send + 'static. As you see here, our closure returns a Jsobject and takes no arguments, which means it conforms to this signature. The Fn trait will be automatically derived. Send is also an automatically derived trait, which means that we can't implement Send. However if we tried to send types that are !Send to our thread by referencing them in our closure we would get an error.

The last part is that we dereference our runtime and call rt.register_work(work, ThreadPoolTaskKind::FileRead, cb) to register the task with our threadpool.

Bonus material

You might be wondering why we (and libuv and Rusts own tokio) do file operations in the threadpool and not in our epoll-event-queue? It's I/O isn't it?

There are actually several reasons for this:

First and foremost. The OS will cache a lot of files that are frequently accessed, and when the data is cached it will be available immediately. There is no real I/O in such a case. In addition, it seems that most programs tend to access the same files over and over so a cache hit will often be the case. Think of a web server for example, there's often a very limited amount of data accessed on disk.

Now if we say that data is cached most of the time, so it's readily available, it can be more expensive to actually register an event with the epoll-event-queue - get an immediate notification that the event is Ready and then perform the read. It might actually be faster to just read it in a blocking manner right away.

However, in our design the file will be read on our main thread, which means that if it's a large file it will still take some time to read it from the OS cache to your process memory (your buffer) and that will block our entire event loop.

Better do that in the thread pool.

Secondly, the support for async file operations is limited and to a varying degree well implemented. The only system that does this pretty good is Windows since it uses a completion based model (which means it can let you know when the data is read into your buffer).

With the introduction of io_uring Linux has arguably made significant improvements in this regard, and now supports a completion based model as well. At the time of writing this book it's still early but the reports so far has been very promising. We might expect to see changes in the way we handle cross platform event loops in the future due to the fact that there is now two major systems supporting high performance completion based models.

It makes sense for a completion based model to try to do this asynchronously, but since the real effect are so small and the code complexity is high (especially when you're writing a server that is cross platform) most implementations find that using a thread pool gives good enough performance.

To sum it all up:


  • Less code complexity
  • Good performance
  • Very little penalty in most use cases (like web servers)
  • Synchronous file operations are well optimized on most platforms

Async file I/O:

  • Increased code complexity
  • Poor and limited APIs (Linux and macOS has different limitations)
  • Weak platform support (does not work very well with a readiness based model)
  • Little to no real gain for most use cases

You want to know more you say? Of course, I have an article for you if you want to get to know even more about this specific topic.