Setting up our runtime

The Threadpool

We still don't have a threadpool or a I/O event loop running so the next step is to set this up.

Let's take this step by step

Are you ready? Let's go!

The first thing we do is to add a new method that returns an instance of our Runtime:

impl Runtime {
    pub fn new() -> Self {

First up is our thread pool. The first thing we do is to set up a channel which our threads can use to send messages to our main thread.

The channel will take a tuple (usize, usize, Js) which will be thread_id, callback_id and the data returned when we run our Task.

The Receiver part will be stored in our Runtime, and the Sender part will be cloned to each of our threads.

Node defaults to 4 threads which we will copy. This is configurable in Node but we will take a shortcut and hard code it:

let (event_sender, event_receiver) = channel::<PollEvent>();
let mut threads = Vec::with_capacity(4);

for i in 0..4 {
    let (evt_sender, evt_receiver) = channel::<Task>();
    let event_sender = event_sender.clone();

    let handle = thread::Builder::new()
        .name(format!("pool{}", i))
        .spawn(move || {

            while let Ok(task) = evt_receiver.recv() {
                print(format!("received a task of type: {}", task.kind));

                if let ThreadPoolTaskKind::Close = task.kind {

                let res = (task.task)();
                print(format!("finished running a task of type: {}.", task.kind));

                let event = PollEvent::Threadpool((i, task.callback_id, res));
        .expect("Couldn't initialize thread pool.");

    let node_thread = NodeThread {
        sender: evt_sender,


Next up is actually creating our threads. for i in 0..4 is an iterator over the values 0, 1, 2 and 3. Since we push each thread to a Vec these values will be treated as both the Id of the thread and the index it has in our Vec.

Next up we create a new channel which we will use to send messages to our threads. Each thread keeps their Receiver, and we'll store the Send part in the struct NodeThread which will represent a thread in our threadpool.

let (evt_sender, evt_receiver) = channel::<Task>();
let event_sender = event_sender.clone();

As you see here, we also clone the Sender part which we'll pass on to each thread so they can send messages to our main thread.

After that's done we build our thread. We'll use thread::Builder::new() instead of use thread::spawn since we want to give each thread a name. We'll only use this name when we print from our event since it will be clear from which thread we printed the message.

let handle = thread::Builder::new()
        .name(format!("pool{}", i))
        .spawn(move || {

You'll also see here that we spawn our thread finally and create a closure.

Why do we need the move keyword in this closure?

The reason is that this closure is spawned from the main thread, so any environment we close over needs to be owned, since it can't reference any values on the stack of the main thread. I'll leave you with a relevant quote from chapter about closures in TRPL

...they give a closure its own stack frame. Without move, a closure may be tied to the stack frame that created it, while a move closure is self-contained.

The body of our new threads are really simple, most of the lines are about printing out information for us to see:

while let Ok(task) = evt_receiver.recv() {
        print(format!("received a task of type: {}", task.kind));

        if let ThreadPoolTaskKind::Close = task.kind {

        let res = (task.task)();
        print(format!("finished running a task of type: {}.", task.kind));

        let event = PollEvent::Threadpool((i, task.callback_id, res));

The first thing we do is to listen on our Receive part of the channel (remember, we gave the Send part to our main thread). This function will actually park our thread until we receive a message so it consumes no resources while waiting.

When we get a task we first print out what kind of task we got.

The next thing we do is to check if this was a Close task, if thats true we break out of our loop which in turn will close the thread.

If it wasn't a Close task we run our task let res = (task.task)();. This is where the work will actually be done. We know from the signature of this task that it returns a Js object once it's finished.

The next thing we do is to print out that we finished running a task, before we send a PollEvent::Threadpool event with thread_id, the callback_id and the data returned as a Js object back to our main thread.

Back in our main thread again we'll finally we store the JoinHandle, and the Send part of the channel in our NodeThread struct and push it to our collection of threads (which now represents our threadpool).

The Epoll Thread

This will handle our Epoll/Kqueue/IOCP thread. This thread will only wait for incoming events reported by the OS, and once that's done it will send the Id of the event to our main thread which in turn will actually handle the event and call the callback.

The code here is a bit more involved, but we'll take it step by step below.

The code looks like this:

let mut poll = minimio::Poll::new().expect("Error creating epoll queue");
let registrator = poll.registrator();
let epoll_timeout = Arc::new(Mutex::new(None));
let epoll_timeout_clone = epoll_timeout.clone();

let epoll_thread = thread::Builder::new()
    .spawn(move || {
        let mut events = minimio::Events::with_capacity(1024);

        loop {
            let epoll_timeout_handle = epoll_timeout_clone.lock().unwrap();
            let timeout = *epoll_timeout_handle;

            match poll.poll(&mut events, timeout) {
                Ok(v) if v > 0 => {
                    for i in 0..v {
                        let event = events.get_mut(i).expect("No events in event list.");
                        print(format!("epoll event {} is ready",;

                        let event = PollEvent::Epoll(;
                        event_sender.send(event).expect("epoll event");
                Ok(v) if v == 0 => {
                    print("epoll event timeout is ready");
                    event_sender.send(PollEvent::Timeout).expect("epoll timeout");
                Err(ref e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::Interrupted => {
                    print("received event of type: Close");
                Err(e) => panic!("{:?}", e),
                _ => unreachable!(),
    .expect("Error creating epoll thread");

Lets start by initializing some variables:

let mut poll = minimio::Poll::new().expect("Error creating epoll queue");
let registrator = poll.registrator();
let epoll_timeout = Arc::new(Mutex::new(None));
let epoll_timeout_clone = epoll_timeout.clone();

The first thing we do is to instantiate a new minimio::Poll. This is the main entry point into our kqueue/epoll/iocp event queue.

minimio::Poll does several things under the hood. It sets up a structure for us to store some information about the state of the event queue, and most importantly makes a syscall to the underlying OS and asks it for a handle to either an epoll instance, a kqueue or to an Completion Port. We won't register anything here yet, but we need this handle to later make sure we register interest with the queue we're polling.

Next up is also part of minimio we get a Registrator. This struct is "detached" from the Poll struct, but it holds a copy of the same handle to the event queue.

This way we can store the Registrator in our main thread and send off the Poll instance to our epoll thread. Our registrator can only register events to the queue and that's it.

How can Registrator know that the epoll thread hasn't stopped?

We'll cover this in detail in the next book, but both Poll and Registrator holds a reference to an AtomicBool which only job is to indicate if the queue is "alive" or not. In the Drop implemenation of Poll we set this flag to false in which case a call to register an event will return an Err.

epoll_timeout is the time to the next timeout. If there is no more timeouts the value is None. We wrap this in a Arc<Mutex<>>, since we'll be writing to this from the main thread, and reading from it in the epoll thread.

epoll_timeout_clone is just increasing the ref-count on our Arc so that we can send this to our epoll thread.

Next up is spawning our thread. We do this the exact same way as for the thread pool, but we name the thread epoll.

let epoll_thread = thread::Builder::new()
    .spawn(move || {

Now we're inside the epoll thread and will define what this thread needs to do to poll and handle events.

First we allocate a buffer to hold event objects that we get from our poll instance. These objects contain information about the event that's occurred including a token we pass in when we register the event. This token identifies what event has occurred. In our case the token is a simple usize.

let mut events = minimio::Events::with_capacity(1024);

We allocate the buffer here since we only allocate this once when we do it here, and we want to avoid allocating a new buffer on every turn of our loop.

Basically, our epoll thread will run a loop which consciously polls for new events.

loop {

The interesting logic is inside the loop, and first we read the timeout value which should be synced with the next timeout that expires in our main loop.

let epoll_timeout_handle = epoll_timeout_clone.lock().unwrap();
let timeout = *epoll_timeout_handle;

To do this we first need to lock the mutex so we know we have exclusive access to the timeout value. Now, epoll_timeout_handle is of the type Option<i32>, since i32 implements the Copy trait we can dereference it, which in this case will copy, the value and store it in our timeout variable.

drop(epoll_timeout_handle) is not something you'll see often. The MutexGuard we get in return when we call epoll_timeout_clone.lock().unwrap() is a RAII guard. Which means that it will hold a resource (in this case the lock on the mutex) until it's deallocated(released). In Rust, the release happens when the value is Dropped which normally is by the end of a scope ({...}).

We need to release the lock since the next call will block until an event occurs which means our lock wouldn't have been released and we would end up in a deadlock when trying to write a value to our epoll_timeout in our main thread.

The next part is a handful, but bear in mind that much of what we do here is printing out information for us to observe.

Calling poll will block the loop until an event occurs or the timeout has elapsed. poll takes in an exclusive reference to our event buffer, and an Option<i32> as a timeout. A value of None will block indefinitely.

When we say block here we mean that the OS parks our thread, and switches context to another thread. However, it keeps track over that our epoll thread listens to events and wakes it up again when any of the events we have registered interests to has happened.

match poll.poll(&mut events, timeout) {
    Ok(v) if v > 0 => {
        for i in 0..v {
            let event = events.get_mut(i).expect("No events in event list.");
            print(format!("epoll event {} is ready",;

            let event = PollEvent::Epoll(;
            event_sender.send(event).expect("epoll event");
    Ok(v) if v == 0 => {
        print("epoll event timeout is ready");
        event_sender.send(PollEvent::Timeout).expect("epoll timeout");
    Err(ref e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::Interrupted => {
        print("received event of type: Close");
    Err(e) => panic!("{:?}", e),
    _ => unreachable!(),

We match on the result of the poll so when the OS returns we choose what to do.

We basically have 4 cases we are concerned about:

  1. We get an Ok(n) where n is larger than 0, in this case we have events to process
  2. We get an Ok(n) where n is 0, we know this either is a spurious wakeup or that a timeout has occurred
  3. We get an Err of kind Interrupted, in which case we treat this as a close signal and we close the loop
  4. We get an Err which is not of type Interrupted, we know something bad has happened, and we panic!

If you haven't seen the syntax Ok(v) if v > 0 before it's what we call a match guard which lets us refine what we're matching against. In this case, we only match on values of v larger than 0.

For completeness I'll also explain Err(ref e) if e.kind(), the ref keyword tells the compiler that we want a reference to e and don't want to take ownership over it.

The last case _ => unreachable!() is just needed since the compiler doesn't realize that we're matching on all values of Ok() here. The value is of type Ok(usize) so it can't be negative, and we're telling the compiler here that we've got all cases covered.

Lastly we create a Runtime struct and store all the data we've intialized so far into it:

  Runtime {
    available_threads: (0..4).collect(),
    callbacks_to_run: vec![],
    callback_queue: HashMap::new(),
    epoll_pending_events: 0,
    epoll_registrator: registrator,
    identity_token: 0,
    pending_events: 0,
    thread_pool: threads,
    timers: BTreeMap::new(),
    timers_to_remove: vec![],

Worth noting is that we know all threads are available here so (0..4).collect() will just create a Vec<usize> with the values [0, 1, 2, 3].

In Rust, when we write...

fn main() {
epoll_registrator: registrator,

...we're in assigning registrator to epoll_registrator which is a bit more descriptive name. Since we have a variable with the name epoll_thread already we don't need to write epoll_thread: epoll_thread since the compiler figures that out for us.

Now the final initialization code for our runtime breaks all "best practices" of how long methods you should have but for our case I find it easier to write about this if we don't need to jump between functions too much and can just cover all this logic from a-z:

fn main() {
impl Runtime {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        // ===== THE REGULAR THREADPOOL =====
        let (event_sender, event_receiver) = channel::<PollEvent>();
        let mut threads = Vec::with_capacity(4);

        for i in 0..4 {
            let (evt_sender, evt_receiver) = channel::<Task>();
            let event_sender = event_sender.clone();

            let handle = thread::Builder::new()
                .name(format!("pool{}", i))
                .spawn(move || {

                    while let Ok(task) = evt_receiver.recv() {
                        print(format!("received a task of type: {}", task.kind));

                        if let ThreadPoolTaskKind::Close = task.kind {

                        let res = (task.task)();
                        print(format!("finished running a task of type: {}.", task.kind));

                        let event = PollEvent::Threadpool((i, task.callback_id, res));
                .expect("Couldn't initialize thread pool.");

            let node_thread = NodeThread {
                sender: evt_sender,


        // ===== EPOLL THREAD =====
        let mut poll = minimio::Poll::new().expect("Error creating epoll queue");
        let registrator = poll.registrator();
        let epoll_timeout = Arc::new(Mutex::new(None));
        let epoll_timeout_clone = epoll_timeout.clone();

        let epoll_thread = thread::Builder::new()
            .spawn(move || {
                let mut events = minimio::Events::with_capacity(1024);

                loop {
                    let epoll_timeout_handle = epoll_timeout_clone.lock().unwrap();
                    let timeout = *epoll_timeout_handle;

                    match poll.poll(&mut events, timeout) {
                        Ok(v) if v > 0 => {
                            for i in 0..v {
                                let event = events.get_mut(i).expect("No events in event list.");
                                print(format!("epoll event {} is ready",;

                                let event = PollEvent::Epoll(;
                                event_sender.send(event).expect("epoll event");
                        Ok(v) if v == 0 => {
                            print("epoll event timeout is ready");
                            event_sender.send(PollEvent::Timeout).expect("epoll timeout");
                        Err(ref e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::Interrupted => {
                            print("received event of type: Close");
                        Err(e) => panic!("{:?}", e),
                        _ => unreachable!(),
            .expect("Error creating epoll thread");

        Runtime {
            available_threads: (0..4).collect(),
            callbacks_to_run: vec![],
            callback_queue: HashMap::new(),
            epoll_pending_events: 0,
            epoll_registrator: registrator,
            identity_token: 0,
            pending_events: 0,
            thread_pool: threads,
            timers: BTreeMap::new(),
            timers_to_remove: vec![],